Random Thoughts

Wedding Style

I’ve learned that the key to going to a wedding is to make yourself better looking than the groom so that the bride will think “Why aren’t I marrying that guy?” Just kidding, Tim, you’re almost as attractive as me.

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Random Thoughts

Is that the Northern Lights?

There’s a business across the street from my apartment with these giant spot lights, and every time I go out to smoke, I mean, sit and enjoy the weather, I see these huge lights flashing towards the heavens. What on Earth do they need those for? However, they do give the illusion of an Aurora …

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Random Thoughts

Spontaneous Basketball Purchases

In my lifetime, 22 years to be precise, I have spontaneously bought a basketball on 4 different occasions. That seems excessive, but the national average is actually 2 spontaneous basketball purchases in a lifetime, and since my mother always told me I was “above average,” I figure I’m doing alright.

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Random Thoughts

My New Name

So I found out that that guy who kidnapped Elizabeth Smart said her new name was “The Remnant that will return,” so I decided that from now on I will be known as “Guy who bought a taco.”

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