Trip Diaries

Finally a New Post, Vancouver Day 12

Well, I’m finally updating. After posting almost daily while in Vancouver, it was weird to not have a chance to post all last week. I got back and my band had a CD Release party (you can buy this CD on if you’re interested) in downtown GR that took a lot of setting up …

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Trip Diaries

Vancouver Trip – Day 11

My last full day in Vancouver. Even though this trip did go by pretty fast, I do feel like I’ve been here a while. It’s also been nice to be here long enough that we could have some chill out time, and not worry too much about trying to cram everything in in a certain …

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Trip Diaries

Vancouver Trip – Day 10

Well now that there’s 5 people in the apartment, I was relegated to the air matress instead of the sofa. However, all five of us slept in until about 11, which was almost 10 hours of sleep for all of us. So there wasn’t much breakfast time, as it was basically already lunch when we …

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Trip Diaries

Vancouver Trip – Day 9

Well the usual sleeping in, reading, and lounging in the morning. Then we headed off to a place called Moderne Burger that I mentioned in day 8 (mainly because we tried to go there in Day 8, but were unsuccessful. It closes at 7:45pm for some reason. Weird). So I’d heard a lot about this …

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Trip Diaries

Vancouver Trip – Day 8

Day 8 was actually quite wonderful, in the laid back just hanging out with Ryan and Jacqui sense. We didn’t really do much sight seeing or any kind of stuff like that but just basically hung out all day. It was great. We ate lunch at Mongolian Barbecue, which may have been one of the …

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Trip Diaries

Vancouver Trip – Day 7

Well I don’t know what happened, but Day 2 disappeared for some reason, and I don’t really feel like recreating it. I really have no idea what happened to it. So to sum up, on Day 2 we drove around for a while and had 24 hour theatre. Well not too much to talk about …

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Trip Diaries

Vancouver Trip – Day 6

Wandered around Victoria some more, although this time we were able to borrow Jacqui’s Mom’s car, so that made things tremendously easier. I’m so used to living in a driving town that my feet just aren’t used to walking that much (and I consequently got a huge blister on Day 5, which doesn’t make walking …

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Trip Diaries

Vancouver Trip – Day 5

Today we just basically wandered around Victoria, which is a beautiful and fascinating town. And by wandered around, I mean that we walked. A lot. A LOT. After walking past the parliament buildings we started off toward Ogden Point (which is the breakwater point where a cool little lighthouse sits). So here’s a bunch of …

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Trip Diaries

Vancouver Trip – Day 4

Well sorry for the delay on this one. I didn’t have any internet access on Vancouver Island, which we headed to on Day 4 (Sunday June 11th, to be exact), so I wasn’t able to update until now. So I might be a little behind on the days. So Sunday was Ryan and Jacqui’s 1 …

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Trip Diaries

Vancouver Trip – Day 3

Well there isn’t much to say about Day 3 since it sort of all blended in with Day 2. I finished writing my play for 24 hour theatre, as I mentioned, and past it off to the director at about 7am. The strange part in the 24 hour theatre process for a writer is when …

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