Random Thoughts

On Love

– It never works out like it does in the movies does it? So why do I keep hoping and thinking it will? Glutton for punishment I guess.

– I’ve said this before, but do you ever feel like everyone else in the world is in love except for you?

– I want to be in love so bad, and everywhere there are bitter reminders of just how not in love I am.  I sometimes wonder if I’ll ever know what that feels like.  I wish I had more profound songwriting material.

6 thoughts on “On Love”

  1. Does being married invalidate my response?

    – It doesn’t work out like in the movies. Great romances are probably a good deal more trouble than they’re worth. In movies, the hero and heroine put up so many useless obstacles between themselves that they cause the majority of the problems in their relationship. Just finding someone, growing to love them, and falling in love isn’t as good a story–but it’s a much better life.

    – I know far too many people who are lonely to think that everyone in the world is in love. And I’ve watched far too many people in tears to think that love and happiness run hand in hand all of the time.

    – Having listened to your music, I think you know a lot more about love than you might realize. I sometimes wonder if the loneliness that lives in the stomach of people who aren’t in love is what makes being in love–and being loved back–worthwhile. If there wasn’t the contrast of wanting something so much, of feeling empty for not having it, would the emotion of being in the middle of love be as strong?

  2. I couldn’t agree more with everything you’ve just said.

    I sometimes wonder about what happens after the hero and heroine who have slain the terrorists, or avoided the monsters, or climbed the mountain, or finally got off the speeding bus and survived the subway crash. Do they go get married? Do they have enough in common and enjoy each other’s company? We never really see how the rest works out, just the new love sprouting, born out of some extreme circumstance. Realistically I have to imagine those relationships probably wouldn’t work.

  3. The greatest romantic male leads in literature were all written by unmarried women.

    *pause for thought*

    Also, I wanted to share my favorite quote relating to your first question: “You don’t wanna be in love, you wanna be in love in a movie.” (Sleepless in Seattle

  4. Good call on the Sleepless in Seattle quote. Who said nothing profound comes out of romantic comedies? That is very very true.

  5. At the risk of sounding cliche, it’s gonna happen when you not only least expect it, but when you don’t even want it to…. the problem is letting it happen when it does… that’s my problem at least.

  6. I also think there is a negative connotation associated with being single. As if somehow we see ourselves (or those who are single) as being some how less or needing to be fixed. As in, “Isn’t there anyone we can fix her up with?” That some how we’re incomplete if we’re not in a match or a pair. I think before we should look for love (or movie love) we really need to embrace singlehood – not just become comfortable with it, or accept it, but really embrace it as liberating independance.

    This is my new thought going into “singles awareness day” on the 14th, and I know it is the most comical coming from me, but in all honestly, it’s where my head is at right now.

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